Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Babycakes hits the town!

Destination numero uno was E1's Brick lane! Must say...this place is like the secret garden with its one-of-a-kind shops, quirky streets and its inhabitants...Brick lane is actually one of my fav spots in London town...! We had to pull ourselves away from the sights and smells we encountered upon arrival, to do what we really set out to do that day: Look for materials for our lingerie! Well after a futile attempt of searching, we found ONE shop!!!! Well we would show u guys our findings but they are top secret! But lets just say we were soo excited seeing the potential of our brand because of the huge range of materials we found! Cant wait!!!!!

So with our spy bags in hands we set out to expose the flaws (& some perfections) of the some of the world's top lingerie brands on the infamous Oxford Street!

Our first stop was Topshop, and the brands included Wonderbra and exclusive collections by designers like French lingerie LEGEND Fifi Chachnil. Our favio pieces from the range include the rosie posie bralet, the chiffon bandeau bra and the silk cotton lace overlay, but non of them came in our size (argh!). So all we could do was admire the colour was a frign rainbow in that little corner of the store & it was nice to see them using daring but complimentary colour combinations, such as the hot pink bra with the cream lace detail and black stitching).

(Babycakes isn't just for Zeze & TT, its for everyone with the same annoyance, in not finding whats right for you, in not feeling comfortable in how you look and feel! So this is a positive step for us, our friends and for anyone with the same issues!)

So after Topshop, we wanted to actually talk to girls that dont know, so that we could (for ourselves) know that all of this is not in vain! We talked to a few young ladies:

Armina (17), a student from London could relate with our "Fitting problems" post. Her cute and petite frame was most defo not the 36 F that she had been told that she was. She emphasised her problems, of which included finding decent bras for someone her age that were stylish and practical and within her means (after all guys, it is a recession!). She wants bras that reflect her rocknroll/ london punk style without compromising the kind of outfits that she can wear!

Kemi (20), a student at UCL. She is a jaw dropping 28 H, and we discussed her problems of finding pretty and sexy bras that fit her. She is at times reluctant to show her breasts (in a tasteful way of course) so she says that she would rather hide them than embrace their beauty! My Gosh this is sad, and she's such a beautiful girl, so u would not think that something as simple and easily solved as a bra could have such an effect on someone. Well Kemi, we hear ya, and u took the words right outta our mouths, Thanks for understanding!

Our next stop was Debenhams and they had a lot more choice than Topshop! There was Ultimo, Wonderbra and  Freya etc. The Ultimo model Mel B has really done the brand justice in the pics, but sadly in person they are not as sexy as they look. It might just be a case of 'one mans meat is another mans poison but OMG they are kinda ugly! Out favio's from the collection were the basics range (but u cant really go wrong with that can u!).

(what is it with the peach?)

Other brands like Panache was just the same blahhh, but the only good thing was that they did cup sizes D-K.

The panache bra above was crowned the U-G-L-Y-liest bra that we saw! WHO WOULD BUY THAT? (if u would, pls let us know & why...oh why..) Everything about it is the opposite of Bbyckz! The straps are hideous! They look like they have been designed to harness the worlds biggest breasts, & how many bows does a bra really need?!?

Overall this day was great because we were able to see what the "best" brands had to offer with all their years of experience and expertise, and we must say, we are not impressed! Only Topshop managed to gets some ooohh's and ahhh's out of us (shame about the sizes)! The collections at Debenhams looked like they are not aimed at the fashion conscious ladies of today, so well...guess its up to us! Well we are very excited for the next chapter and bringing all our dreams to light.

Bbyckz to the rescue!

Thnks Guys





  1. wow, i feel the same way, i am v.busty and even in the US where we have bigger people, its still hard to find a bra! i have a 28 waist & J cups...will defo check u guys out when the time comes

  2. Guest posted at BSB -
